Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A New Hope for American Airline Travel

So, it's been like, what, a year since I've been here.  True, I could have done more work to keep this blog up to date, to inform about what's going on with the aviation world, and even could have been posting about my own FLIGHT LESSONS, but, seriously folks, not much has come to my attention as being something great.  Something profound.  Something that reinvigorates my love for the number one crazy, unexplainable passion I have for aviation.  Maybe it's the economy bogging down on the industry.  Or maybe it's how little I personally care about the bigger presence of unmanned aircraft.  In the end, I've been quite uninspired... until I saw this:

Not only are they redesigning the interiors of their Transcontinental aircraft's interior to FINALLY have PTV's in economy and given business class a bump up from a silly big seat with a little more recline room, they've installed a first class with LIE FLAT BEDS!!  And, that's just for DOMESTIC travel!  I nearly flipped.  Along with their newly designed 777-300's with a full bar, mood lighting and freakin' SWIVELING first class chairs (practically an office my dear loaded, business friends and first class hopefuls), they finally have started to break the disgusting stereotype of American airliners being the worst for international travel.  And, these 777's are coming THIS winter!  I.  Am.  Absolutely.  Blown.  Away.

But seriously folks, why am I so excited about this?  Why did my head explode while jumping frantically around the room?  Has my interests become so low to allow some corporate hype to inhibit my soul freely?  I argue... No!  Absolutely not my dear friends!  Why?  Well, for some unfortunate news first.

Since November of last year, American Airlines has been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy and has been struggling to pull themselves together.  And, true, they are planning some big reductions and are planning layoffs, but what else is a company to do in a time of crises but to make big decisions in hopes to continue their business into the future?  Sure it will cost them to make these planes and it is quite a risk while trying to keep everyone employed, but what if this works?  What if they make a profit by finally making a decent product that compares with and even challenges quality giants like Singapore and Emirates?  What if they begin creating a report and respect from passengers around the globe?  And, what if the other American airliners follow suit?  It's a change that has been desperately needed in American aviation and I'm willing to hope, even bet, that this will change the way we do commercial aviation in America.  And, who knows, maybe they'll even make the airport experience something to be, well, experienced.